Saturday, September 25, 2010

the fluffy yellow dog

there once was a fluffy yellow puppy
he was happy go lucky, full of energy

one day the puppy was given some kind discipline
and from that day forth the puppy realized that hard work
and slow, patient concerted effort needed to be applied
in order to accomplish real things in the world
Fortunately, the puppy would later realize this dream
this dream of
being a dog.

And that just the practice (which eventually became routine anyway)
was that realization.

*written on the White Magnetic Dog day 6 of the Electric Moon Month of the Red Overtone Moon Year.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

punch drunk

I feel like I was punched in the face a few days ago
gentle, fragile spirit a little bloodied.
But it is just Chiron, the wounded healer.
And all the Libra.
I can see the beauty in the pain,
and love him all the same.
No thing has changed in that regard.
But from this fresh wound new life will rise,
like the pheonix,
and the world will be rewarded justly.
If only I get the note across in time.
It's such a painful tear,
through my heart.
I have already shed so many tears,
that I am dry and resilient.
Just the memory, the fresh taste still in my mouth
of the words I carefully spoke.
To insight the poke
that gave the sting.
It is still ringing in my ears,
the empty sounds.
But I have to fill them with beautiful song,
that holds me strong still, all night long.
That tune inside of me, that says from this too
we shall recover. We shall find our hearts
are always linked.
And no thing can change that bond.
Because we are already one and the same.
And there in lies the beauty
without shame
I gave my authentic self
and withheld nothing